Mom2Mom Coach
I am an Electrical engineer by education and profession. Now turned to a mom2mom coach for moms/parents in need of support to help their families become healthy. I am from India and I currently live in the USA with my husband and 2 kids.
Our Story
My daughter was a healthy and happy child, reached all milestones until 1 year of age. Then slowly at 15 months of age she started having fevers very often. She started having staring spells, lost the couple of words she had, lost her eye contact with us, she would wake up at 2 am and stay awake for 3 hours before going back to sleep again, had horrible constipation. My daughter was diagnosed with Autism at 2.8 years of age. I was lost and did not know how to help my child. I am fortunate to have found many parent groups, forums and professionals who have helped us in this journey.
Latest Blog
MNRI, Melillo method and SSP When my daughter was diagnosed with Autism we started traditional therapies – ABA, Speech and OT almost …
Some of my go to Gluten Free and Casein Free recipes: Cassava Roti / Tortilla:Otto’s cassava flour and use the recipe at …
How to avoid toxins in daily life? Lifestyle change is most important single thing to manage or recover from most long term …